In the spirit of continuing to practice giving and receiving and with an eye to my upcoming 39th birthday (October 2nd), I have decided that I will purchase myself a new camera. You see, I have always been a bit shy and self-conscious about asking people to take their photo. And yet, I so much enjoy exploring how beautiful faces can be, captured from different vantage points. I revel in the stories that people tell me of their lives and I am similarly grateful when I can complement a snapshot of a life with a snapshot of a face. Smiles, wrinkles, the depth of eyes, the twist of a mouth -- tension, softness, fear, faith, each of these revealed differently to the eye of the beholder. I enjoy my little point and shoot digital but I am going to buy something with more lens options and a quicker shutter speed as the 1.5 second pause is tricky.
A dribble here as my second full day at Karme Choling comes to a close. It's an adventure on many levels. I'm grateful and taking it one moment at a time and learning a lot about myself, Buddhism, and the garden. I will write more when I take some time to sit down and gather my thoughts and hopefully include some images. Tomorrow is a day of silence (yippie) and 6 hours of sitting (yikes).
As an aside, if you are so inclined, you can mail me at Karme Choling through the following address:
Martha McClure
369 Patneaude Lane
Barnet, VT 05821
love, martha
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