Thursday, August 12, 2010

gimme a "B"!

B is for birthday - which I began celebrating this week. Just 7 weeks ahead of time I kicked off the next 40 years with .... "Ben" - Ben is short for Benevolence (thanks to Anemone for the inspiration for a name) which is pretty much all this little soul puts out into the world (along with the standard waste materials).
Indeed, I'm in love. I can't imagine a sweeter soul. Or smarter. He's already sat calmly for his first bath, learned how to come and sit (see photos), do his business in the out-of-doors, make the residents and staff at the shelter smile, prepare my morning coffee, greet me with a beer when I come in the door, run my bath, and balance my chequebook. In only two days. This dog is amazing! And he's cute as sin. AND, he simply sleeps when you can't play. And he freakin' cute. And he doesn't shed.
He was born June 12th so he's another wonderful Gemini to add to the mix in my life. This week he weighed in at 17 lbs, the largest in his litter of 10, and though not a guaranteed indicator, his paws and legs are huge.
And he's a sign of things to come. The day after I brought Ben home I picked up a letter from US Citizenship and Immigration which began with "Congratulations!" I'm relieved. Though I love Canada and miss my family and friends north of the border, New England simply feels like home for now. And so, it's onto acquiring my professional licensure here and looking for a happy fit as far as earning an income goes - that's one skill Ben has yet to adapt.


  1. Beautiful!! So glad we get to keep you!! Oh ya Ben is awsome as well!! Peace :)

  2. Your locks and Ben's are a match! Don't ever change your hair colour.

  3. Waiting for the next weigh-in and a progress report.

  4. SO fabulous!! Both about Ben and being able to stay in the US!
