Saturday, December 1, 2012

stepping off into the Unknown

It's Saturday. I'm tired and wired. That's how I described myself to my family in a recent email. I'm overwhelmed, excited, a little taken aback, trying to play 'catch up,' remembering to let go rather than try to hold on. Holding on creates so, so, so much suffering and tightness in my body through the process of transition and transformation.

It's 12:45pm. I have a new client arriving in about 45 minutes. I'm not sure exactly how she found me. But people keep finding me. And calling. Or emailing. Inquiring whether I am accepting new clients into my practice. Accepting new clients into my practice? My practice is only 1 day old! But I'm struggling some moments to adjust to this new experience.

I am not resting well at night. It's a challenge to encourage my brain to stop churning and turning - there are so many questions, there are so many things I don't know how to do, so many facets of this process that I've yet to wrap my mind around. Insurance billing. Marketing & Advertising. Bookkeeping and Accounting. Documentation. Client communication. Client management. Scheduling. Website building and editing ( There are endless bits of Mystery.

Still, a small and sure voice inside encourages me not to try and figure it out all at once, to let the Mystery of this experience unfold and reveal itself with time. Ripening into being. Let go. Look for the resources and supports coming to help me find my way. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy.

Buckle up!

There's a momentum that has taken hold and my fears of not-knowing cause me to feel like I'm being bounced along down a river, hitting rocks, getting tangled up in branches, eddying out into the riverbank, getting trapped in downstream holes. And the Universe giggles and says "Just let go." So outside of my habitual ways. Let go. Trust. Allow Life to move through me with an intelligence far more vast than any left-brain activity could ever muster. Not my will, Thy Will Be Done. Just give way and let something bigger happen.

All is well. And I'm feeling full and exhausted. Inspired as well as humbled by the privilege of this opportunity.

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