Friday, August 31, 2012

give me an "O"

Okay, I've been remiss, failing to mention that there's a new member of the clan. He arrived around the same time we moved into the new homestead - and he made his presence known to the place, at least to the porcupine populace.
Onslow (the name came with him, a character from the British TV show "Keeping Up With Appearances") was adopted from friend Marty who was going through a transition in his life. Onslow originated in Georgia after being rescued from a fairly bleak and abusive life by a caring soul who then adopted him out to Marty and his then wife, Jessica. He's had a very different background from Benny who has not known a moment of suffering in his 2 year existence (except the suffering he creates psychologically for himself when his pack members leave him alone for too long). Onslow has been around the block a few times in his 6 or so years. He takes a while to warm up to men but with a soft touch and playful spirit he emerges from his hesitancy into a bashful willingness to be loved on. Over the four months he's been with us, he's blossomed. He has a passion for swimming as long as Bradford keeps him baited with a fishing rod. He has an appreciation for running as long as I keep the mileage and speed manageable. And he has a hard-on for porcupines. He seems not to be bothered by pain.
Onslow and Ben are very different. Where Benny is soft, Onslow is sturdy. Where Benny is outgoing, Onslow is reserved. Where Benny is neurotically needy for attention, Onslow is reserved but interested. They balance each other out beautifully.
The only challenge about Onslow is that he's a hound at heart - he has a nose for live creatures ready to be killed. Two weeks after our arrival in Warner we were enjoying the endless miles of trails that are accessible from our home when he caught a scent and disappeared for 20 minutes. On his return home, he was covered in porcupine quills - 5 veterinary personnel removed 1471 over 2 hours of surgery. Three weeks later, Benny burst out the screen door to greet a visitor with Onslow in tow. Onslow was distracted by a scent in the driveway and before we could get our hands on him he disappeared into the woods - 15 minutes later he emerged ready for his second trip to the emergency vet. Three plus hours of surgery and over 2000 quills. Benny met his first porcupine on this second adventure and returned moments later with fewer than 20 quills, whimpering from pain on 3 legs - having pulled a muscle trying to get away from the awful creature. Ben will never approach another porcupine. Onslow is now an on-leash dog all the time with a taste for quills that will never go away.
Different dogs.

So, here's Onslow. He's impossible not to love.

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